One of the wonders of growing older is that you suddenly put on fluff around your waist and hips just by looking at a bag of potato chips.
Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But really, in my 20s and 30s, I could grab a few handfuls of chips and wouldn’t know it the next day. Not anymore. I always thought it was some sort of joke they put in movies and TV shows… it is not. I put on body fat so fast when I eat hyper processed foods. It’s like my body sucks all the fat out of every food I eat and saves it around my middle.
All this to say, suddenly losing body fat is not a “yeah, I think I should” and it comes off, it is now a battle against my metabolism. I’m trying to come to terms with it.
I decided to start sewing some new clothes out of the mass of collected fabrics to fit my new fluffy self. So that’s weekend goals.
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